Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Goliath, by Scott Westerfeld (2011)

"Siberia," Alek said.  The word slipped cold and hard from his tongue, as forbidding as the landscape passing below.

Goliath, the third book in the Leviathan series, picks up exactly where Deryn and Alek left off in BehemothLeviathan, a thousand-foot-long airship made from the life threads of a whale and over one hundred other species, is traveling farther from Europe and the war.  No one will confirm their destination.

"If anything," Volger said, "we should be headed southwest by now, toward Tsingtao."

Alek frowned.  "The German port in China?"

Alek, son of the late Archduke Ferdinand and a Clanker prince, is on the Darwinist ship.  The war between the two technologies (Clanker and Darwinist) is spreading faster every day.  His best friend is Midshipman Dylan Sharp, a girl disguised as a young man so she can fly with the British.  Only Count Volger knows she's a girl.

First the Russian Czar sent a message.  Then the Leviathan picked up mysterious cargo in Russia. 

"There must be a clue in that cargo we picked up from the Russians."

The ship's destination, Tunguska, is an endless fallen forest.  The trunks of the trees had been stripped of their bark and they all pointed in the same direction.  The captain of the airbeast has ordered a rescue.

Dylan helps rescue the 28 men who have made an encampment to protect themselves from the fighting bears.  Leading the group is Nikola Tesla - Clanker boffin, maker of German secret weapons - who says he has always known the cause of the fallen forest.

"I've always known the cause.  I was only curious about the results...I must remain secretive at the moment, but soon the world will know."

Tesla worked for the Clankers until he saw what the war was doing to his home in Serbia.  Alex's parents were killed by a group of Serbian revolutionaries, a plot organized by his granduncle and Germany.

Tesla has created a massive weapon to end the war:  Goliath.

"Tesla is a Serb," Volger explained slowly. 
"Our country attacked his homeland,
not Germany."

Alek felt the weight of the war settling
on his shoulders again. 
"My family is to blame, you mean."

Goliath is an exciting resolution to the Leviathan series.  Find out if Deryn can keep her secret.  Can Tesla's weapon end the war?  And what is Alek's destiny?  Meet interesting characters in Tokyo, Mexico and the United States. 

Rating:  10 out of 10 stars
*mild language

To check this book out at NOLS, click HERE!