Sunday, November 13, 2011

Crossed, by Ally Condie (November 2011)

I'm standing in a river.  It's blue.  Dark blue.  Reflecting the color of the evening sky.

Far from her safe home in Oria Province, Cassia Reyes is in a work camp looking for Ky. 

If I'm going to find Ky, it has to be soon.

Ky is somewhere in the Outer Provinces.  Young men are sent to abandoned villages so the Enemy thinks the Society still lives there. 

Do you time in the villages and we'll bring you home in six months.  We'll give you Citizen status again.

No one lasts six months.  Ky has been here for 12 weeks.  There isn't any way the boys can defend themselves because the ammunition isn't real.  Replacements are sent, but they are much too young.  Ky is familiar with the area of their new village assignment; he decides it is time to run away.

Can Cassia find Ky?  What is Xander's secret?  Does the rebellion exist?  Who will Cassia choose?

Crossed offers more insight into the history of Society and the Rising.  It's a delicious read, especially if you enjoyed Matched.

Rating:  9 out of 10 stars
To check this book out at NOLS, click HERE!