Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rip Tide, by Kat Falls (2011)

Easing back on the throttle, I slowed the submarine's speed.  The light-streaked ocean around us seemed vast and empty, but I knew better.  We were heading into the biggest trash vortex in the Atlantic. 

Fifteen year-old Gemma has been living with almost sixteen year-old Ty Townsend and his family in their subsea home in Benthic Territory for three months.  While diving in the biggest trash gyre in the Atlantic, Ty finds a township, home to at least four or five hundred people.  Although most townships stay on the ocean's surface, this township, Nomad, was anchored and the hatches were chained shut from the outside.

Everyone on board was dead.

Settlers in Benthic Territory are now allowed to pay their property taxes in cash instead of in produce, and Ty's parents have made a deal to see their crops to a surf township, Drift.  All of the settlers are nervous.  Perhaps the rumors about the ruthlessness of the surfs are true...

When Ty's parents meet Drift's sachem, Hadal, Ty suddenly realizes the danger.

"Pa!" I hollered as I took aim at Hadal. 
"They've got your surrounded!"

Ty's parents are taken.

Gemma is terrified of the ocean, and she moves to the Trade Station.  She is paralyzed by fear when she's in the ocean.

Three townships have disappeared in the past nine months.  Can Ty and Gemma save his parents?  Can they find the missing townships before their sunk beneath the sea?  Can Gemma live in the sea with Ty and his family?

Rip Tide is an excellent second book to this series.  If you like creative action and adventure books, you'll really enjoy this read.

Rating:  9 out of 10 stars

This book isn't at NOLS...yet!