Monday, August 29, 2011

The Dead-Tossed Waves, by Carrie Ryan (2010)

The story goes that even after the Return they tried to keep the roller coasters going. 

Unconsecrated.  Mudo.  The monsters who are infected, dead, and Returned.  They hunger to rip through your flesh, to infect you.

Gabrielle, or Gabry, and her mother live in the sea town of Vista, far from the Protectorate.  They live in a lighthouse, protecting Vista from the Mudo that wash upon the shore.  They have a quiet life. 

I like to think that somewhere out there is a girl like me who stands in the night and wonders what else exists in the world but who is too terrified to find out. 

As a child, Gabry was proud of her mom's courage, but as she got older, Gabry was embarrassed because her mother didn't quite fit in; her mother grew up in the Forest of Hands and Teeth.

One night Gabry follows some friends over the Barrier to the ruins of an amusement park.  The Barrier separates Vista from the ruins, protects the town from the Mudo.  Gabry is terrified, she's never done anything like this before.  But Catcher makes her feel safe.

Suddenly a breaker runs towards them.  In a mass of confusion, two friends are dead, three are infected and two are missing.  Catcher begs her to leave the ruins, to run home to safety.

"Please, Gabry" is all he says.

"For me," Catcher adds.

Gabry decides to run, leaving her friends to face the wrath of the Militia and the Council.  This one decision fills Gabry's life with many "ifs" and "should haves" - if she would have done this, she should have done that.  Gabry also learns secrets about her past.  Secrets about her mother's past.  Secrets about the Return.  She meets Elias, a Souler, and everything Gabry once knew, changes.  Gabry learns too well that every choice has a consequence.

If I could choose the life I would have wanted to lead, which one would I pick?

The companion novel to The Forest of Hands and Teeth is terrifyingly delicious.  The imagery is rich, the characters are strong, and the plot is filled with twists and turns. 

Rating:  10 out of 10 stars
*violence, religion

To check this book out at NOLS, click HERE!
