Saturday, March 26, 2011

Incarceron, by Catherine Fisher (2007)

Finn had been flung on his face and chained to the stone slabs of the transitway.

Imagine a world in the future, after the Years of Rage, the first king of the Havaarna Dynasty declares that the world will freeze, technology will not advance, people are forced to follow Protocol and maintain authenticity.  The world looks like 17th century England.  Meet people like Comitatus, Civicry, Halfmen, Sapienti, Sapphique, the Warden of Incarceron, Jormaniric, Gildas, the Steel Wolves, Keiro, Claudia, Jared, Giles, Bartlett, and Attia. 

After the War, the Sapienti developed an experiment to protect society and preserve humanity.  They wanted to create a perfect society in a Prison.  Incarceron.  The Prison is alive.  It feels, it offers justice, it gives and takes life.  Seventy Sapients volunteered to enter Incarceron to oversee the experiment.  Half the population was forced to enter.  Once the prison was sealed, no one could enter or leave the Prison.  Except for Sapphique.

The experiment is a failure.

Finn, a cell born, knows that he hasn't always lived in Incarceron.  He has one faint memory of a different life.  On his hand is a tatoo of the crowned bird, the symbol of the Havaarna Dynasty.  Proof?  When he is given the crystal key, the quest begins. 

Finn must escape Incarceron.

Twists and turns abound, this is an excellent book for a strong reader who isn't intimidated by complex vocabulary.  The dark world of Incarceron is exciting and mysterious.  Enjoy!

Rating:  10 out of 10 stars